Binding Postpartum | Choosing The best belly wrap, faja, or girdle
Wrapping your belly postpartum is a very controversial polarizing concept. Many birth workers are divided on whether or not it’s best for postpartum women to wrap their belly. However, in most indigenous cultures around the world, some sort of binding is used postpartum, whether it be an intricately wound strip of fabric or a girdle. The closing of the womb and resetting of the hips is an age old tradition the world around. Wrapping your belly postpartum is a very controversial polarizing concept. Many birth workers are divided on whether or not it’s best for postpartum women to wrap their belly. However, in most indigenous cultures around the world, some…
Postpartum Skin Care
So full transparency, I’m coming up on one month postpartum and have probably managed to bathe about four times. Absolutely no shame. On the other hand my postpartum skin care routine is next level. I may be covered in breastmilk from the neck down but my face is glowing like my new baby’s bottom. Trust me carving out time to care for my whole body may be a distant memory in my early postpartum days but the five minutes it takes to care for the skin on my face, I can find. After all on the rare chance that your little one will remember their birth, wouldn’t you rather they…