What I Learned about My Body after Pregnancy
Postpartum I expected to learn a lot about myself, as a mom of two, and my tiny best friends in our new family dynamic. What has really surprised me is how much I learned about the world around me, courtesy of my body after pregnancy, and how it relates to the world. I’ll say now, as I’ve said for the millionth time this year “I’ve been the same height and weight (give or take twenty pounds) since i was about 13”. I only find myself waxing poetic about this when I’m pregnant because the sudden weight gain always throws me for a loop. I literally can’t remember a time where…
No one Warns you about Postpartum Rage
When I fly, people often come up to me on airplanes and tell me how well-behaved my tiny best friends are. I covered in slobber and tiny pieces of food don’t see it, but I smile and thank them. On any given flight postpartum there is always a point where I ask myself, in a blind rage, why I thought I was ready for such torture. On our most recent flight, we Sat behind a mother and her two children on the plane home from Hawaii. The mother pleaded with her two children to stop fussing with one another. The toddler seemingly used to their older sister’s antics responded by…