Cloth Diapers|Everything you Need to Know About Reusable Baby Diapers
Answer the call of your hippie soul and use reusable diapers on the perfect bottom of your new baby. Disposable diapers were invented in the ’50s so most of our parents and grandparents used cloth diapers on their baby bottoms. Disturbing fact, all the diapers ever used are still rotting in a landfill somewhere.
Is this your first-time cloth diapering? Nope, I used cloth diapers with my first baby 5 years ago and loved them so much I wanted to use them again with baby number two.
Best cloth diapers for newborns
Are newborn sizes worth it for big babies? Nope, not at all. Some companies’ “newborn” size is a bit generous, but either way, newborn-sized cloth diapers probably won’t fit your baby past four months, and that kind of defeats the purpose of having reusable ones.
How many reusable diapers should I get for a newborn baby? Full disclosure wany people use disposables till the baby is 8 pounds then switch to reusable cloth diapers. I’d probably want to have about 18-24 for a newborn if you are going to start cloth diapering from day one.

Cleaning cloth diapers
How Does it work with cleaning them? I use this nifty hose that can connect to almost any toiled to spray off anything solid, then I just toss them in the washing machine. My mom used to tell me how she would suck the snot out of my nose as a baby, I am NOT that kind of mom. I don’t Do puke or poop or snot so if I can do it, anyone can.
How often do you clean them? I wash a load ( of cloth diapers only) every two to three days
What detergent do you use? Esembly Baby’s cloth diaper detergent or Tide pur Clean
Do I need a washer and dryer in my unit in order for this to really be an option? Not at All! If you’re doing it alone, I’d recommend a washing machine. You can wash them by hand, but I haven’t. What I don’t think people realize is that most big cities have cloth diapering services that will pick up your dirty diapers and drop off clean ones.
Do you use the same washing machine for reusable diapers as you do your other clothes? I do. I can name 976868486 things that are germier than baby poop that goes in washer machines, don’t worry you’re good. Also, children mean poop, even if they aren’t diaper aged. parenthood can be summed up by the maxim “THERE. WILL. BE. POOP.”
My reusable diapers are a bit stained, is this normal? It’s totally normal and not at all anything to be worried about. There are very few things that stain as bad as newborn poop. Stains don’t mean the cloth diaper is dirty. If the stains really bother you, hang them out to dry and let the sun bleach them naturally.
Do you air dry or machine dry? I do both. It’s recommended to air dry your cloth diapers because most American-made driers get to hot and can damage the diapers and remove their waterproofing. However, I use a ventless dryer that leaves them damp and I put them up in a closet to air-dry overnight. I use this clip contraption to save space
How do you remove buildup in diapers to absorb? you need to strip your diapers
Where to put reusable cloth diapers after baby has soiled them
Where do you keep them while they’re dirty? Newborn diapers arent that offensive so you can use an open bin. Around two months is when diapers get disrespectful and I use this lidded pail that has a charcoal filter in the lid to keep colorful scents at bay.
How do you store clean/poop diapers when out and about? In something called a “wet bag” A wet Bag keeps odors and moisture contained while you’re out and about. Here is a solid neutral option and a printed option
Buying reusable baby diapers
Should I purchase my cloth diapers new or secondhand? I purchased my diapers new because I couldn’t find the ones i wanted anywhere. I actually ended up buying them from another country and having a friend, ship them to me because the retailer wouldn’t ship to the US. I would totally buy a lot of used reusable diapers for a new baby. Doing so has the potential of letting you try a couple of brands before deciding on a final one that works for your family
Where can I buy those neutral cloth diapers? This is unnecessarily hard. I find that every cloth diaper company has one or two in the batch, but brands that always have a good assortment are and this brand and style I’m particularly fond of these for obvious reasons
Going to have my first baby, What reusable diaper brand is easiest? Esembly Baby because they have the easiest interface to set you up for all your diapering needs. Its a one-stop-shop for all your diapering needs, particularly helpful if you’d like to gift these to others,
How many cloth diapers do you use per day? I use about 10 or 11 per day. In reusable diapers, you have to change your baby slightly more often. Disposable diapers get changed every 90 minutes versus every 2-3 hours. It’s pretty simple, I have an alarm set on my phone for every 90 minutes and just check my baby’s bottom to see if they need to be changed. If your baby is sleeping there is no need to wake them for a diaper change if you double up on liners before putting them down.
How many reusable diapers is it best to have, to have enough? It really depends on how often you want to do laundry, but I have about thirty reusable diapers for my baby.
Fitteds or All In Ones? I prefer “All in ones” to fitted reusable diapers because you can prep them beforehand and have to use fewer snaps when its go time with a wiggling screaming baby
Do you use disposable liners? I haven’t used them yet, but I have purchased them to use with this baby, for when the curry cottage cheese consistency of newborn poop morphs into the adult size poop of toddlers
Reusable baby diapers, Reusable diapers

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Diaper Recycling
Embracing reusable cloth diapers aligns perfectly with my values and desire to reduce waste. It’s not my first time cloth diapering; I actually used them with my first baby five years ago and found them to be fantastic. Not only are they better for the environment, but they also feel better against my baby’s skin and save me money in the long run. Plus, knowing that I’m not contributing to the staggering amount of disposable diapers sitting in landfills gives me peace of mind. Cloth diapering is not only practical but also a conscious choice that reflects my commitment to sustainability and providing the best for my baby’s bottom.
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Cloth diapering is eco-friendly and manageable with the right tools. Start with 18-24 for newborns, and don’t worry about stains—sunlight naturally bleaches them. Brands like Esembly Baby simplify the process, making it easy for any parent.