Being a Mother |How Long to Breastfeed
Breastfeeding toddlers is not commonplace in America, people often ask me how long do I intend to breastfeed Noon. Yet I don’t really have an answer to this seemingly innocent question. Every time I catch a glimpse of Noon feeding, her body growing besides mine I’m reminded that I was once her home. That something born inside of me has the power to grow and change and be whatever it chooses. I’m reminded of how small I am and how the cell that would one day form this creature, I have the privilege to nourish, was created inside of me, inside of my mother before I was even a thought.
I believe in my heart of hearts that the patriarchy/society police our bodies and our motherhood because they fear our strength. The question of how long to breastfeed your child at your bossom should not be up for debate. As with many parts of childbirth, these questions only come into play in order to fetishize women. The question often posed to women breastfeeding toddlers is when are they going to stop however, the real question is how long before your breasts become sexual objects again.

I believe the practice of removing children from their mothers was born from witnessing the ferocity of our bond. That generations of women raised nations and and ruled mankind. That a jealous bitter man found a mothers weakness and razed a civilization, destroying the memories of the old ways.
Gaia/Mother Earth the woman who bore and sustains us all is planting seeds, every time I feed my daughter the shift in the cosmos becomes more apparent. More obvious, more within reach. Everywhere around the world Women are returning to their power. Breastfeeding my toddler daughter is a direct line to this power.
Breastfeeding toddlers is a mother’s choice
So what are my thoughts on how long to breastfeed? Do what feels right. Breastfeeding toddlers may not be in the cards for everyone, it doesn’t have to be, but finding your own time, listening to your body and deciding between you and your child how long to continue your breastfeeding journey is key. Protect your heart, guard your magic, and reclaim your power.
I for one look forward to the global awakening of women in their power and welcome the return of the Old World Order.