As if I didn’t have enough to be grateful to Noon for. I now count her responsible for joining me forever to some legendary souls that now comprise my mom tribe. She is my all-access pass to this new crop of loving women I could only dream of being in the presence of, otherwise. When I became a mom I feared mommy groups because I felt like they all were gonna tell me to wear sweatpants and give up on life. When a friend of mine started a mom group, I skeptically joined, and as the saying goes the rest is history. These women are an extension of my Tribe.…
Traveling as a family has its own unique set of challenges but throw a toddler into the mix and you’re on a totally new adventure. This year noon will be 3, she’s walking and talking questioning her existence and demanding more of me than I am ready to give on most Thursday’s. I cuddle her and giggle with her, we pick flowers and play peekaboo and yes we’re still breastfeeding. Everyone who knows me knows I’m breastfeeding I’m open about it and do it unabashedly. I’ve never had a negative experience or had someone request for me to cover or leave an establishment. Aside from all the stellar health benefits…
On might and motherhood
Being a mother is a complex ball of constant emotion. Motherhood is two sides to the same coin, it’s realizing what complex individuals our mothers were at our age. Learning that even though they were our whole-wide-world they were still coming into their own. Learning this lesson through living it, through looking down into the wide eyes of your greatest creations and wondering who is this magical being they revere. It’s coming into your magic in the warm glow of the magic of another. It’s so easy to stop showing up in love, it’s hard work to love someone through their pain grief and sadness show up in so many…
Airplane Travel With A Toddler | Wear This
After flying on over 30 flights in the last two years with my daughter I’d like to think I’ve perfected the formula for what to wear during airplane travel with a toddler, enter, my travel uniform. Since I’ve discovered Little Gypsy Co I haven’t gotten on a plane, without throwing on one of their dresses, well I did once and I’m still regretting it. These dresses are cute and comfy and layer like a dream! They lack pockets, which means I never absentmindedly put something in them only to later forget said confiscated trinket in my pocket when going through TSA checkpoints So if you’re not going to heed my advise and live…
Friends you meet on your travels are gifts. Gifts from those friends are magic
I stumbled across my Elementary School Year Book recently and saw that it said I wanted to be a fashion designer. I dismissed this, tucked it away somewhere and kept going with my life. One day watching my daughter run and jump and laugh and frolic did I realize that this very moment had been created by me. My daughter pushed forth from my loins, my greatest creation yet, ran wildly through the streets of New York her clothes billowing behind her, trying desperately to keep up, were my own design. Id housed these clothes in my heart long before she erupted into the world. I’m standing there in a matching dress realizing that…