Family Travel,  TRAVEL MAMA

Family Travel Blogger | Daniela Parenting Toddlers and Traveling as a Family

I’m so glad I got to sit down with Daniela to pick her brain on what it’s like for her to travel as a family on Chilean Pas ports. I’ve loved having her lend her voice to the perfect travel clothing for women in the past and I’m so glad to dive into her family travels even more. Read on to see how Daniela of @a_baby_abroad experiences traveling as a family.

How much did you travel before kids? Where had you been?
We traveled lots before kids although not as much as we do now. We went to India, Argentina’s, Venezuela, Canada, and the USA, among others. 

When did you get your first passport? Our passports are from Chile, which is where we are originally from. My kids, however, have gotten their Chilean passports in Spain, where they were born. 

Did you travel pregnant? Any tips for flying while pregnant? So much! My biggest tip is to view your pregnancy as a state of being rather than a sickness. Of course, your body changes, which may mean you walk different, breathe differently, eat differently, etc, but there is no reason you should have stay indoors UNLESS of course, your doctor has told you to do so, for whatever medical reason. My other tip for traveling while your family is growing is to ALWAYS travel with full medical insurance that covers 100% of everything in the country you will be traveling to. Most likely you won’t need it, but better safe than sorry. 

How old was your baby the first time you started traveling as a family? My first was 3 months old when we traveled from Spain to China, my second was 3 weeks old when we took a road trip to the north of Spain. We’ve been traveling as a family ever since.

What’s the most interesting thing you’ve learned about your kids traveling? That breaking the routine doesn’t kill them, it actually makes them better! We have a very strict routine at home and even though it changes while we travel, it stays consistent all throughout the trip. My kids are very adaptable. It takes them 2 days of following whatever routine we set, and then they are ready to follow it with no problems! This is something that made me panic at first, but it was amazing to give them the benefit of the doubt and see how well they are able to manage. 

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How has traveling as a mother changed you? Since I became a mom, of course, I notice other moms, kids, and babies way more than I used to when we are traveling.  I am always amazed at the many similarities in motherhood and child rearing all over the world. We have sat in playgrounds and parks in Amman, Ho Chi Minh City, Paris, and as I’ve watched mothers and their babies that look so different, I realize how motherhood and children all over the world, in reality, are so similar. We all struggle with feeding, with sleeping babies, with toddler tantrums, in the exact same way, whether we are wearing a burka, a straw hat, or high heels. I love seeing how we are all so different yet at the same time so similar and I love that travel has helped me notice that. 

Tips for Traveling as a Family

What are the best tips for traveling as a family, you’d give a mom who was Anxiety about traveling with kids? First of all, I’d say that if you really want to start traveling as a family, then why not? But if you don’t want to travel as a family, then why do it? It all starts from there. Secondly, I’d reassure her that the exact same problems or issues you have at home, you will have while traveling – no more and no less. And thirdly, I’d urge her not to have any biases about the places she is going to visit when traveling as a family: whatever way you’d deal with the problems or issues at home, you will be able to deal with in the same way while traveling, no matter where you are. 

Out of all the benefits of travel, what is one thing you hope your children take out of traveling as a family? Developing open-mindedness, international mindedness and global awareness are fundamental to traveling as a family for me. I truly want my kids to grow up knowing and understanding diversity, being aware that people speak different languages, and being willing to interact with people everywhere, no matter what they look like or who they are. I know these things sound super complex for a baby and a toddler, but I am convinced that by exposing your family to a variety of experiences while traveling like people and places from a young age, they will develop these traits and understandings in a meaningful way. 

Family Travel Blogger |Traveling as a Family

Traveling as a family, what are some stuff, that you never travel without? For your kids, A baby carrier/child-carrier that is comfortable for you and your child is a must. A cosleeping nest for the baby, so that you can forget about cribs at your accommodation. WIFI! I never step foot out of an airport without having purchased a SIM card first, mainly for security. Using a GPS, being able to google the nearest emergency center, and being able to call your hotel in case you get lost are fundamental things I need to be able to do. (And yes, be able to post our adventures on social media too )

A long layover or direct flights? Why? Whatever is cheapest! Of course, direct flights are better, but sometimes it’s way cheaper to do a layover. Sometimes it’s even more convenient to stop at the place of a layover for a night and some sightseeing! And sometimes, it’s even worth it to book a few hours of the airport hotel to rest and shower during the layover. Be open-minded and evaluate all possibilities!

Why is it important for you to travel as a family, mama? Travel helps me put things in perspective: who I am, where I am, what things are like in my country of origin, what my place in the world is.. I don’t mean to sound corny, but travel has truly made me reflect so much about these questions, and realize that the world is such an enormous place, but at the same time, so small. 

What is something you do without at home, to be able to travel more as a family? Shopping for stuff. I try so hard to be a minimalist. We currently live in a furnished rented apartment and therefore we don’t really own anything. As for clothes and toys, also, we have the minimum, and I have a rule: I won’t buy it until I am stuck in a situation in which I’m bitching and whining because I desperately need it. This allows us to do more traveling as a family.

Airport uniform? Leggings, sneakers and a loose t shirt!

Travel mama hack? Bring a change of clothes for your kids and for yourself too! You never know…and little surprise toys your kids have never seen before! AND… breastfeeding… 24/7

Do you /How do you practice responsible tourism as a family? We never reinforce the use of animals for entertainment. When we see this, we use it as an opportunity to reflect and talk about it. I also avoid taking photos of other children and people. I struggled with this and my own son while traveling throughout Asia, where everyone took photos of him without even asking, and in the most disrespectful ways. 

The most sticky experience you’ve had traveling as a family … My son was very sick when we went to Cambodia, he had a very high fever for over a week, and I thought he had gotten some sort of tropical disease. I was freaking out. Sometimes traveling as a family is not pretty, we were ready to fly back home only to realize we had lost our flight because we never saw the airline’s email notifying a change in departure time. We had to stay an extra night and the only accommodation we found available and that we could afford was the most disgusting place ever, full of cockroaches and leaking AC. I spent the worst night of my life while my son continued to have a fever. Fortunately, the fever was just a nasty virus, and of course, all was ok. That hasn’t stopped us from traveling as a family.

Where have you traveled as a family? So many places!!!! Thailand, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Japan, South Korea, China, The Philippines, Malaysia, Russia, the UK, Spain, France, Portugal, The Netherlands…..

Secretly there are 9 million benefits to traveling with kids what’s the best perk you’ve experienced going with a tiny traveler in tow? Cutting all the lines all over Asia!!!!

Where can we follow along with your family travel, mama? I’d love you to join my community on Instagram! @a_baby_abroad 

How many children are in your travel tribe? what are their ages? My oldest is 3.5 years old and my youngest is 5 months old. 

Where are you guys off to next? We are planning a trip to Sri Lanka in April, hope it works!!!!!! 

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