Postpartum Care| Breastfeeding Clothing
Postpartum my body changed a great deal sizing me out of not only my wardrobe but straight sizing. I gained so much weight during my pregnancy that my body type changed drastically making it hard to feel good in the clothing that did still fit. I felt bad about wanting a whole new wardrobe but also got so bummed out looking at my clothing that some days I’d just stand in my closet and cry. First-world problems aside, I became acutely aware that me finding the right breastfeeding clothing was an important part of my postpartum care. I’m ant maternity clothing because they’re only really useful for five months or…
Airplane Travel With A Toddler | Wear This
After flying on over 30 flights in the last two years with my daughter I’d like to think I’ve perfected the formula for what to wear during airplane travel with a toddler, enter, my travel uniform. Since I’ve discovered Little Gypsy Co I haven’t gotten on a plane, without throwing on one of their dresses, well I did once and I’m still regretting it. These dresses are cute and comfy and layer like a dream! They lack pockets, which means I never absentmindedly put something in them only to later forget said confiscated trinket in my pocket when going through TSA checkpoints So if you’re not going to heed my advise and live…